Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thurs. Feb. 7

  1. Nez Perce Indians?
  2. Copier Help?
  3. Voices of a People's History of the United States?
  4. While They're at War?
  5. Holland Travel Guides?
  6. Belgium Travel Guides?
  7. God's Crucible? (Hold Placed)
  8. Hilary Clinton Book?
  9. Barack Obama Book?
  10. A book written by a woman on the Clintons as seen on the Charlie Rose Show? (For the Love of Politics, Hold Placed)
  11. Restroom?
  12. Obama's e-mail address?
  13. Phyllis Hyman' s book?
  14. Faust, Drew Gilpin books?
  15. Audacity of Hope?
  16. What African Americans have run for President? (There have been 7)
  • 1972 Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005), Democrat
  • 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson (1941-) Democrat
  • 1988 and 1992 Dr. Lenora B. Fulani (1950-) Independent
  • 1996 and 2000 Alan Keyes (1950-) Republican
  • 2004 (Alfred) Al Sharpton, Jr., (1954-) Democrat
  • 2004 Carol Moseley Braun (1947-) Democrat
  • 2008 Barack Obama (1961-), Democrat

(Note first woman to run Victoria Claflin Woodhull)