- Nez Perce Indians?
- Copier Help?
- Voices of a People's History of the United States?
- While They're at War?
- Holland Travel Guides?
- Belgium Travel Guides?
- God's Crucible? (Hold Placed)
- Hilary Clinton Book?
- Barack Obama Book?
- A book written by a woman on the Clintons as seen on the Charlie Rose Show? (For the Love of Politics, Hold Placed)
- Restroom?
- Obama's e-mail address?
- Phyllis Hyman' s book?
- Faust, Drew Gilpin books?
- Audacity of Hope?
- What African Americans have run for President? (There have been 7)
- 1972 Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005), Democrat
- 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson (1941-) Democrat
- 1988 and 1992 Dr. Lenora B. Fulani (1950-) Independent
- 1996 and 2000 Alan Keyes (1950-) Republican
- 2004 (Alfred) Al Sharpton, Jr., (1954-) Democrat
- 2004 Carol Moseley Braun (1947-) Democrat
- 2008 Barack Obama (1961-), Democrat
(Note first woman to run Victoria Claflin Woodhull)