Monday, August 27, 2007

Mon. Aug. 27

  1. 523 section?
  2. 92 section?
  3. 200 section?
  4. Qin/Qing Dynasty?
  5. Railroad history?
  6. Sanford fire maps (WASH)
  7. What was the date of Princess Diana's death?
  8. Did Robert Mitchum die around the same time as Princess Diana?
  9. Are you the customer service desk?
  10. How do I sign on to use a computer?
  11. Books on what different spiritual people (angels) jobs are?
  12. Maine Travel Guides?
  13. My Life / Clinton?
  14. Living History / Clinton?
  15. Dispatches?
  16. Color of Water?
  17. Audacity of Hope?