Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thurs. Mar. 29


  1. The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys / Goodwin, Doris Kearns. (Hold pick-up NPR)
  2. The Kennedy women : the saga of an American family / Leamer, Laurence (Hold pick-up NPR)
  3. Jamestown Narratives: Eyewitness Accounts of the Virginia Colony: The First Decade: 1607-1617 by Edward Wright Haile?
  4. From a Native Daughter: Colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai'I (Paperback) by Haunani-Kay. (put in TS3 cart)
  5. Love and hate in Jamestown : John Smith, Pocahontas, and the heart of a new nation / David A. Price. (Hold from GEO to NOE, FGR to PAL)
  6. The President's counselor : the rise to power of Alberto Gonzales / Bill Minutaglio? (Not Owned)
  7. Do you have Marquis Who's Who online?
  8. Do you have Marquis Who's Who latest edition?
  9. What are these books?
  10. Is your WiFi down?
  11. Stapler?
  12. Restroom?
  13. The way to rainy mountain / Momaday, N. Scott? (Hold Pick-up)
  14. Eastern Europe Travel Guide?