Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wed. Mar. 15

  1. Is the sign up computer working?
  2. Is the sign up computer working?
  3. Is the sign up computer working?
  4. Is the sign up computer working?
  5. Is the sign up computer working?
  6. The copier ate my two dollars, can you get it back?
  7. Where do I get a print card?
  8. Map of Bushwood MD? (St. Mary's County)
  9. Civil War? (973.7)
  10. White pages?
  11. Who owns the big blue board in the lobby? (BMC*)
  12. 342 section?

*BMC is what I will place in where I have no idea what the answer is. BMC stands for Beats Me Claude. This is what B the amazing finder of lost books says when something is a mystery. I've taken it and shortened it, maybe from now on it will be b the afolb? Nah...

Saw cutest thing, they sell t-shirt "Got Opera?" How wild! Goes with my new Opera season tickets!