- Is the sign up computer working?
- Is the sign up computer working?
- Is the sign up computer working?
- Is the sign up computer working?
- Is the sign up computer working?
- The copier ate my two dollars, can you get it back?
- Where do I get a print card?
- Map of Bushwood MD? (St. Mary's County)
- Civil War? (973.7)
- White pages?
- Who owns the big blue board in the lobby? (BMC*)
- 342 section?
*BMC is what I will place in where I have no idea what the answer is. BMC stands for Beats Me Claude. This is what B the amazing finder of lost books says when something is a mystery. I've taken it and shortened it, maybe from now on it will be b the afolb? Nah...
Saw cutest thing http://www.operagifts.com, they sell t-shirt "Got Opera?" How wild! Goes with my new Opera season tickets!