Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thurs. Nov. 30


  1. I'm bored, what's good here to read?
  2. Travel writing about Antarctica or the Falkland Islands?
  3. Jokes my father never taught me : life, love, and loss with Richard Pryor / Rain Pryor (Not here yet)
  4. Introduction to the sources in the division (Liked the Haskins file)


  • Storage book to Store - 23
  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 19
  • Storage book added to Circ - 3

ALA-APA Resolution on minimum librarian salaries

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wed. Nov. 29


  1. Africans and the Industrial Revolution in England? (No title found)
  2. Juvenile section?
  3. Mandela, Mobutu, and me : a newswoman's African journey / Lynne Duke.
  4. Richard Pryor?
  5. Biographical dictionary of the Presidents?
  6. Tupac Shakur?
  7. Patti LaBelle?
  8. Chaka Khan?


  • Timekeeper training

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Excel page numbers

1. From the page setup dialog > Page tab you can specify the First Page Number. The page number token in Headers and footers will start from this number

2. In the header or footer itself you can change the starting number by typing &[Page]+num where is num is the number you want to add to the starting page number. IF num=2 then the first page number will be 3.

Tues. Nov. 28


  1. How do you change page start number in Excel?
  2. Periodicals?
  3. Floor plan of subjects?
  4. 901 907 section?
  5. Check out?
  6. Restroom?
  7. Drawing books?
  8. What's the name of the author that wrote that Lewis and Clark book? (Stephen Ambrose)
  9. Did he write one on D-Day?
  10. Computer?
  11. Pay phone?
  12. Prague Eyewitness Travel Guide?


  • Storage book to Store - 18
  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 5

Monday, November 27, 2006

Mon. Nov. 27


  1. The autobiography of an ex-coloured man / Johnson, James (fiction)
  2. What is juv?
  3. My music, my life / Shankar, Ravi (No copies, is MUS)
  4. Can I check the books out on display?
  5. Give me liberty by Eric Foner (no)
  6. Road trip USA : cross-country adventures on America's two-lane highways / Jamie Jensen.
  7. My point-- and I do have one / DeGeneres, Ellen. (Hold WOD)
  8. The cultural revolution in China / Robinson, Thomas W
  9. Reproduction of Life among the Piutes : their wrongs and claims / by Sarah Winnemucha Hopkins


  • Storage book to Store - 19
  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 7
  • Storage book added to Circ - 4

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sat. Nov. 25


  1. Detailed Map of Poland from between WWWI and WWWII?
  2. What is that noise? (investigated out in the lobby, no noise)
  3. Modern detailed Map of Poland?
  4. Seriously, do you hear that? (investigated in the stairwell, no noise. LG id's it as coming from the computer, yes folks, the computer is 'heavy breathing' and you thought you'd heard everything!)
  5. What are your hours today?
  6. When God Says Go by Lutz?
  7. Spanish phrase books?
  8. Standard oil case?
  9. Where does Claire Messud live?
  10. The computer says I used the computer twice, how can that be?
  11. Do you have to sign up to use the computer?
  12. Solvenia History?
  13. Sherman Antitrust Act?
  14. History of Math in Greece?
  15. Jagged Edge picture and bio?
  16. Mayflower by Philbrick? (copy nos)
  17. People magazine?
  18. Iron cages : race and culture in nineteenth-century America / Ronald T. Takaki. (marked missing)
  19. Point to point navigation : a memoir, 1964 to 2006 / Gore Vidal. (still not here!)
  20. Can you look up these titles?
  21. A different mirror : a history of multicultural America / Takaki, Ronald (Hold PAL pick-up there)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Fri. Nov. 24

  1. Map of Pangaea?
  2. People Magazine?
  3. Coleman Hawkins?
  4. Genealogy section?
  5. Africa History?
  6. Learn how to do a Resume?
  7. Do demons exist?
  8. I never had it made / Robinson, Jackie? (Missing overdue refered to FGR)

Called re: jammed copier and old computers still here

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wed. Nov. 22

  1. Military History?
  2. Sign in to the computer?
  3. Vietnam War?
  4. Post Office on 9th street?
  5. A piece of cake : a memoir / Brown, Cupcake.
  6. Makes me wanna holler : a young Black man in America / McCall, Nathan.
  7. How late are you open?
  8. How do you work the copier?
  9. Room 226?
  10. Deborah Willis-Thomas?
  11. Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe?
  12. Wizard of the upper Amazon / C—rdova-R’os, Manuel by F. Bruce Lamb (very odd record & Author's daughter will bring in replacement copy)
  13. Rio Tigre and Beyond: The Amazon Jungle Medicine of Manuel Cordova by F. Bruce Lamb (Author's daughter will bring in copy)
  14. Tupac Shakur?


  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 3
  • Storage book to Store - 2

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tues. Nov. 21

  1. M call number?
  3. The rebuilding of London after the great fire / Reddaway?
  4. People magazine?
  5. What are they doing with the old computers?


  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 3
  • Storage book added to Circ - 1

Looked into vol 2 of memoirs The Power of Chance: a Table of Memory by Rupert Hart-Davis Out of Print Cheapest Alibris over $50

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Blog Articles

Ms. Dewey
Ms. Dewey, the avatar front-end of a search engine with results from MSN. Her overall personality is that of a snotty vixen. She's all sultry when she likes what you're doing, but when you're slow she gets all pouty and impatient.

RA Wiki
Found via The Shifted Librarian, the iread wiki, a readers advisory resource developed by Michele Leininger at the State Library of Iowa and Iowa librarians learning Web 2.0 tools. There are sections with genre-booklists for adults, teens, and kids, as well as general RA information. Anyone can contribute to it

Sun. Nov. 19

  1. The practical nomad : how to travel around the world / Edward Hasbrouck. (Hold to be picked up not there? 910.202 H344 )
  2. India History?
  3. 927 section?
  4. Comparing two comedians, one from today, one from the past?
  5. Bill Cosby?
  6. Richard Pryor?
  7. Flip Wilson?
  8. Water fountain?
  9. Is the WEE Library open today?
  10. The reckless decade : America in the 1890s / Brands, H. W. (missing)

Adding to accout today, I keep losing the different sections for 920's:

920 General biography & genealogy
921 Philosophers and Psychologists
922 Biography of persons in religion
923 Biography of persons Politcal figures
925 Biography of scientists
926 Biography of persons in applied sciences & engineering
927 Biography of persons in fine arts (Artists, Actors, Musicians, Dancers)
928 Biography of persons in Literature (Authors, Poets, etc.)
929 Genealogy, names, insignia

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fri. Nov. 17

  1. Magnifying glass?
  2. China History?
  3. Help with the copier?
  4. Can I check out new books?
  5. Can I request books over the phone?
  6. Can I renew books over the phone?
  7. Can I return a book to any DC branch?
  8. Mansergh's India inter government?
  9. Fodor's Vienna to Salzburg ? (Hold Pick up)
  10. Austria travel guides?(Hold Pick up)
  11. Playboy cartoon book?
  12. Call number 901 123? (no, but 901 I23 has no volumes attached)
  13. The Muqaddimah; an introduction to history (remove from cat)
  14. Man called White (Hold Pick up)
  15. Europe Travel guides
  16. Today's newspaper?
  17. Black Cowboy named 'Bill'? (Bill Pickett)
  18. 920 section?
  19. Bill Gates?
  20. Japanese interment camps (940.547)?
  21. Spain Travel guides?
  22. Greece Travel Guides?


  • New Copier arrived

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thurs. Nov. 16

  1. 323 section?
  2. 829 section?
  3. shaolin temple
  4. Pei Mai (bai mei)
  5. fong sai yuk
  6. Stapler?
  7. French Antillies (Guadalupe)
  8. Politics of Diplomacy by Baker (Hold pick up)
  9. Accidential president of Brazil (Hold GEO)
  10. Alaska Travel Guide?
  11. 340 section?
  12. 327 section?


  • Phoned in OCTO Ticket# 189803
  • Gift book to Store- 1
  • Storage book to Store - 19
  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage - 4

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wed. Nov. 15


  1. Africanisms in American culture / edited by Joseph E. Holloway.
  2. Home of the brave : honoring the unsung heroes in the war on terror / Caspar W. Weinberger and Wynton C. Hall.
  3. In the line of fire : a memoir / Musharraf, Pervez
  4. Who's who in Africa?
  5. Encyclopedia?
  6. Revolutionary war?
  7. Who's Who?
  8. Nigerian History?
  9. Nigerian Leaders?
  10. African Leaders?
  11. 1400 people?
  12. Confessions of an economic hit man / Perkins, John


  • Attended Cooper 'Stand up' Session
  • Circ (Discarded) to Store - 2
  • Storage book to Store - 11

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tues. Nov. 14

  1. Check out?


  • LA training workshop on online reources
  • To Bindery- 2
  • Circ (Discarded) to Store - 13
  • Circ Books to Storage - 17
  • Titles NOF to Cataloging - 2
  • Last copy to Cataloging - 1

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mon. Nov. 13

  1. Pencil?
  2. What was King Aurthur's court called?
  3. What were the wounds on Christ's hands called?
  4. Sam Walton, made in America : my story / Walton, Sam (Hold Pick-up from Storage)
  5. Panama Canal? (HIST 972.875 & SOC 327.7307)
  6. Behind the scenes; thirty years a slave and four years in the White House. Keckley, Elizabeth
  7. New Carnegie book?
  8. What was the organization that Audrey Hepburn was involved with?
  9. Magnifying glass?
  10. Restroom?
  11. The Negro in the American Revolution / Quarles, Benjamin (Hold Pick-up)


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sun. Nov. 12


  1. Pencil
  2. Muhammad Ali's Autobiography?
  3. Sign in to a computer?
  4. Shipwreck of the "Morro Castle"
  5. Shipwreck; the strange fate of the Morro Castle [by] Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts. (Missing)
  6. The Morro Castle / Burton, Hal (missing)
  7. Restrooms?
  8. Operation Homecoming
  9. Lloyd C. Douglas?
  10. William James?
  11. Agnes (Mary White) Sanford?
  12. Carl Jung?
  13. Walt Whitman
  14. Do I put the book back on the Shelf?
  15. Current Biography from 1944?
  16. Copier?
  17. Akhenaten?

Found (via Alexandria)


Finding Books:

Tools to have fun with:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thurs. Nov. 9


  1. Why are the flags at half mast today on the Mall (Called Parks Department)
  2. The devil in the white city : murder, magic, and madness at the fair that changed America / Erik Larson
  3. Mark Twain?
  4. Rwanda
  5. Berry Gordy?
  6. Man without a face : the autobiography of communism's greatest spymaster / Markus Wolf ; with Anne McElvoy. (Hold Wash post)
  7. The stress of my life : a scientist's memoirs / Selye, Hans
  8. Making Woodrow Wilson president / McCombs, William Frank
  9. Is that book I put on hold still here?
  10. 350 Section?
  11. Middle East History?
  12. General American History?
  13. Government section?
  14. Founding brothers : the revolutionary generation / Ellis, Joseph J.?
  15. Ancient Egypt?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wed. Nov. 8

  1. China Travel books
  2. Pencil?
  3. Where am I on the computer list?
  4. Guatemala Travel Guide, Lonely Planet
  5. Antoine de Saint-Exupery?
  6. We now know : rethinking Cold War history / Gaddis, John Lewis.


  • Storage books added to SIRSI for Storage: 9
  • Storage to Store: 1
  • Gift to Store: 1

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tues. Nov. 7


  1. Civil rights?
  2. Is it correct to applaud in a church? (Depends)
  3. Private demons : the life of Shirley Jackson / Oppenheimer, Judy
  4. Empires of medieval West Africa : Ghana, Mali, and Songhay / Conrad
  5. Ancient Ghana and Mali / Levtzion, Nehemia

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mon. Nov. 6


  1. Scrap paper?
  2. The debt : what America owes to Blacks / Robinson, Randall, (TPK pick-up for POPE)
  3. People Magazine?
  4. Aztec?
  5. architecture?
  6. Russia through women's eyes : autobiographies from Tsarist Russia / edited by Toby W. Clyman and Judith Vowles.


Meeting for LA training 1 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006

November Books

My Life by Bill Clinton
It's on my nightstand, one chapter a night if I can. It's well written

Book of Fate by Brad Meltzer.
Good stuff, ala Dan Brown. Tight Short chapters. After seeing him (and Harlan Coben) at the Book Expo I made myself a promise not to abandon Fiction, I missed it too much.

Sun. Nov. 5

  1. Sign up for computer?
  2. Sign up for computer?
  3. Restroom?
  4. Children's room?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sat. Nov. 4

  1. Cambodia History?
  2. Here's What We'll Say: Growing Up, Coming Out, and the U.S. Air Force Academy (Hardcover) by Reichen Lehmkuhl
  3. Tape?
  4. Copier?
  5. People Magazine?
  6. Black Pathers?
  7. Copier?
  8. Ancient Greek Marketplace info and pictures?
  9. Aftermath of World War 1
  10. Baby Names (Indian and African)
    Pick a pretty Indian name for your baby / Pandya, Meenal Atul,
  11. The Pact?
  12. Peru History?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thurs. Nov. 2

  1. Marie Antoinette : the journey / Fraser, Antonia?
  2. Sign me up for a computer?
  3. Sign me up for a computer?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wed. Nov. 1


  1. The senator and the socialite : the true story of America's first Black dynasty / Lawrence Otis Graham.
  3. Becoming Justice Blackmun : Harry Blackmun's Supreme Court journey / Linda Greenhouse. (Pick-up)
  4. New Jersey Travel Guide?
  5. Children's room?
  6. Argentina Travel guide?
  7. Belize Travel Guide?


  • Australia display
  • SWW meeting