Monday, July 31, 2006

Mon. July 31

  1. Information on Robert Johnson (guitar being sold for 6 million on e-bay)?
  2. Did Robert Johnson die from a Voodoo curse?
  3. How do you save?
  4. Can I turn the fan on?
  5. Where do I check out CDs?
  6. How do I print?
  7. Can I borrow this stool?
  8. Where are all the big trash cans? (filling up with water from all the condensation from the AC)
  9. When I was Puerto Rican by Santiago (Hold Pick up)
  10. Alexander Hamilton by Chernow?
  11. Mexico travel guide?
  12. The enemy at his pleasure : a journey through the Jewish pale of settlement during World War I / S. Ansky
  13. Restroom?
  14. Can I turn the fan on?
  15. Are we in the 20th or 21st century?
  16. Ecuador Travel Guide?
  17. Wall : the inside story of divided Berlin / Peter Wyden. (Hold Pick-up Wash Post)
  18. The Japanese art of war : understanding the culture of strategy / Thomas Cleary


History of the World in 6 glasses display put up.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Fri. July 28

  1. Is the Xerox machine working?
  2. Quicksands : a memoir / Bedford, Sybille? (Hold PAL)
  3. People Magazine?
  4. I'm looking for the book you have back there on a African-American Methodist minister written by someone named Bishop?
  5. Country study done by the Department of the Army
  6. Men of Honor DVD or book?
  7. Carl Brasher?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thurs. July 27

  1. Tape?
  2. Children's room?
  3. I need to use a computer quick, where are they?
  4. Norway Travel Guides?
  5. Encyclopedia of world cultures?
  6. Where is this published?
  7. Map of Silver Spring?
  8. Someone turned the computer off, will I loose my turn?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wed. July 26

  1. People Magazine?
  2. Honduras Travel Guide?
  3. What is Francis Buckley's wife's name?
  4. Made in Detroit : a south of 8 Mile memoir / Clemens, Paul
  5. Magnifying glass?
  6. Bahamas Travel Guide?
  7. Where do I check out books?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tues. July 25

  1. Colorado Travel guide?
  2. Ethiopia Travel guide?
  3. Tennessee Civil War history?
  4. Berdan's Sharpshooters?
  5. Heathen days, 1890-1936 / Mencken, H. L.
  6. Lies across America : what our historic sites get wrong / James W. Loewen
  7. 956 section?
  8. DVDs?
  9. How many books can you check out?
  10. Can you check books out with ID if you have forgotten you Library Card?
  11. The Blue Nile / Moorehead, Alan (Hold CPK)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Mon. July 24


  1. Race and reunion : the Civil War in American memory / David W. Blight.
  2. The year of magical thinking / Didion, Joan.
  3. Floor plan of England?
  4. Check out?
  5. Help with e-mail?
  6. Help with Excel?
  7. Manhunt / Peter Maas (Hold)
  8. Franco : a biography / Preston, Paul
  9. Tupac biography?
  10. The year of magical thinking / Didion, Joan.

Roaches falling from the ceiling

Blog Article

Google exec challenges Berners-Lee
A Google executive challenged Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee on his ideas for a Semantic Web during a conference in Boston on artificial intelligence.

Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers
A Pew Internet study
The bulk of the 12 million blogging Americans focus on their personal experiences and blog to a very small audience.
A whopping 57 million online Americans are blog readers (39% of the entire online population).
44% of bloggers have also been published elsewhere.
77% of bloggers have shared original creative content (music, images, etc.)
44% of bloggers have remixed content they found online into their own creations (mashup!)
87% of bloggers allow comments (take that can't beat us!)

Libraries that use
La Grange Park Library
Lansing Public Library - syndicates their feed right on their home page (along with their blog feed)!
Maui Community College Library - syndicates their feed on their “About” page, under the heading “Our Current Interests”. Sounds like a library with living, breathing human beings at work. Imagine! (note: they’re also on MySpace)
San Mateo Public Library - links organized in Dewey bundles!
Seldovia Public Library - syndicates their feed in their blog sidebar.
Thomas Ford Memorial Library - syndicates their feed on a neat little links page.

Don't read this if your squeamish

A patron in a green shirt jumped up and started cursing and moving around. Now this is somewhat normal behavior in the public library with your average amount of crazies and such. Another librarian was closer and spoke with the patron. Calmly she librarian walked over to me and told my that a Roach had fallen on him from the ceiling. Let me tell you he was a lot calmer that I would have been!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Google exec challenges Berners-Lee A Google executive challenged Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee on his ideas for a Semantic Web during a conference in Boston on artificial intelligence.

Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers
A Pew Internet study The bulk of the 12 million blogging Americans focus on their personal experiences and blog to a very small audience.
A whopping 57 million online Americans are blog readers (39% of the entire online population). 44% of bloggers have also been published elsewhere.
77% of bloggers have shared original creative content (music, images, etc.)
44% of bloggers have remixed content they found online into their own creations (mashup!)
87% of bloggers allow comments (take that can't beat us!)

Libraries that use La Grange Park Library
Lansing Public Library - syndicates their feed right on their home page (along with their blog feed)!
Maui Community College Library - syndicates their feed on their “About” page, under the heading “Our Current Interests”. Sounds like a library with living, breathing human beings at work. Imagine! (note: they’re also on MySpace)
San Mateo Public Library - links organized in Dewey bundles!
Seldovia Public Library - syndicates their feed in their blog sidebar.
Thomas Ford Memorial Library - syndicates their feed on a neat little links page.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fri. July 21


  1. Can you recommend an Autobiography?
  2. The road from Coorain?
  3. Small pencil?
  4. Reference library of Black America?
  5. Information on the Nacotchtank tribe?
  6. A year by the sea : thoughts of an unfinished woman / Joan Anderson
  7. GED books?
  8. Property listings?
  9. Italy Travel Guide?
  10. Restroom?
  11. Those tremendous mountains : the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition / David Freeman Hawke.
  12. Ancient Rome?
  13. Science?
  14. Did you see that man?
  15. Check out?
  16. Did you see my brothers?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Book selected for September project

Lipstick Jihad : a memoir of growing up Iranian in America and American in Iran by Azadeh Moaveni. People in attendance: 6

Thurs. July 20

  1. Where do I print out?
  2. Scrap paper?
  3. Ink Pen?
  4. Plan B : further thoughts on faith / Lamott, Anne.
  5. Prague Travel Guides?
  6. Croatia Travel Guides?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Top 3 NEW sites I can't live without

3. Flickr - Great way to share, store, or back up your photos!

2. Bloglines - All the Blogs you read in one place, ready for you to read

1. - A web based bookmarking site that allows you to Tag your sites and bundle these Tags. Super easy and useful.

Wed. July 19

  1. Where is my book on hold?
  2. Dark horse : the surprise election and political murder of President James A. Garfield / Kenneth D. Ackerman. (Hold)
  3. Restrooms?
  4. Biographical information on James J Krebs?
  5. Anne Boylen's ladies in waiting?
  6. Rocky mountain Travel Guide?
  7. Washington DC History?
  8. Where are the DVD's?
  9. What edition is your "Autobiography" by Madame Guyon? (1917)
  10. What books do you have written by Herbert Gold?
  11. Magic will by Herbert Gold?
  12. How do I browse your books on Haiti?
  13. What are your hours?
  14. Fact book on the Presidents?
  15. How do I sign up to use the computer?
  16. Can I get a copy of the constitution?
  17. Where is Sociology?
  18. Where is the Children's Room?
  19. Do you know where the Popular Library is?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tue. July 18

  1. Book Club book?
  2. Fact book about the Presidents?
  3. A Small Piece of me?
  4. Perfect Gift by Larry ...?
  5. Are you Hispanic? (Native-American? American? ... [this goes on for a while folks])
  6. Books on Martin Luther King Jr.?
  7. Do you still have the incident report from last week?
  8. Book Club book?
  9. Color of water?
  10. Assassins gate? (Hold FGR to CPK)
  11. Color of Water by McBride

Monday, July 17, 2006

Mon. July 17

  1. Picasso : Pablo Ruiz Picasso : a biography / by Patrick O'Brian. (Hold NPR)
  2. What is "All the World' s a Stage Book Club"?
  3. Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson / Mitch Albom (missing)
  4. Where is the queue computer?
  5. Pencil Sharpener?
  6. Is this the Georgetown Library?
  7. History of immigration in the United States? (973.04, and SOC 325.73)
  8. Puerto Rico History?
  9. Hawaii History?
  10. Restroom?
  11. Catalog?
  12. They came before Columbus / Ivan Van Sertima. (Hold PLK)
  13. History? I need guns! (355 SOC & 623.4 TECH term 'firearms')
  14. Another copy of Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass?

Friday, July 14, 2006

Fri. July 14


  1. Let me finish / Roger Angell.
  2. Left hand, right hand! / Sitwell, Osbert (Hold PAL)
  3. Foner, Eric. Title :245 10 Free soil, free labor, free men: the ideology of the Republican
    Party before the Civil War. (no copies, SOC)
  4. Finland Travel Guide?
  5. Copy of the constitution?
  6. The wild Colorado : the true adventures of Fred Dellenbaugh, age 17, on the second Powell
    Expedition into the Grand Canyon / Richard Maurer. (Hold MLK)
  7. Campground travel guides.
  8. Biographical information on the inventor of the Tommy gun? (Full name: John Taliaferro Thompson)
  9. 320 section?
  10. Half slave and half free : the roots of Civil War / Bruce Levine (hold)
  11. Laura Branigan information?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Thurs. July 13


  1. I bet no one has checked these books out in 20 years, can I have them?
  2. Selected letters of Edmund Burke edited and with an introduction by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. (missing, but can I interest you in a nine volume set of his correspondence? ... I can?
  3. Can I check out all nine volumes of a set?
  4. I have the title but not the author, can you find "Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass"?
  5. People magazine?
  6. I, Rigoberta Menchœ : an Indian woman in Guatemala / edited and
    introduced by Elisabeth Burgos-Debray ; translated by Ann Wright (CPK hold)
  7. History and culture of Haiti
  8. A community of many worlds : Arab Americans in New York City (missing)
  9. People magazine?

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wed. July 12


  1. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corp?
  2. Washington / by Constance McLaughlin Green? (missing)
  3. Advise and consent / Drury, Allen (hold placed)
  4. Everyday life in early America / Hawke, David Freeman. (hold placed)
  5. 910 section?
  6. Larry Csonka's birthday?
  7. What years did Larry Csonka play for the Dolphins?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tue. July 11


  1. Pharos is down?
  2. Do you want our second copy of a Biography? (the answer is always yes!)
  3. 92 F831L, Benjamin Franklin : an American life please. (Are you sure? L is MON CHER PAPA: Frankin and the Ladies of Paris by Lopez. I think you need the Walter Isaacson. Hold for CPK)
  4. Book on hold for me?
  5. American Indians, American justice / Deloria, Vine.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Mon. July 10


  1. The one percent doctrine : deep inside America's pursuit of its enemies since 9/11 / Ron Suskind. (hold placed)
  2. Breaking the spell : religion as a natural phenomenon / Daniel C. Dennett. (Hold CPK)
  3. Global warming : the science of climate change / Frances Drake. (Hold placed)
  4. Can I search for books online?
  5. Can I renew books online?
  6. It's asking for a PIN, I don't have a PIN, do I?
  7. Total impact : straight talk from football's hardest hitter / Ronnie Lott with Jill Lieber (missing)
  8. I need a state map to locate vacation spots, for my GED?
  9. Did you know there is a pancake race in Onley?
  10. Books on CD?
  11. Paper clip?
  12. I'm here to pick up three books under the name of Rubin? (Nope, how about another name?)
  13. The Jewish State: A Century Later by Dowty, Alan (request to purchase)
  14. Maps of Hati

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Top 5 things I learned at ALA 2006 Conference

5. Scanning the future ... the OCLC Report on the Perception of the Library (it's 290 pages)

4. Three words: Millennials, Millennials, Millennials

3. Less is more.

2. Google and ROCK!

1. Read the Blog, be the Blog.

Sat. July 8


  1. Looking for a school textbook called "History and Government of DC"?
  2. Do I check out here?
  3. Sundiata: an epic of old Mali [by] D. T. Niane. Translated by G.D. Pickett (missing)
  4. Testament : a soldier's story of the Civil War / Benson Bobrick
  5. Night by Wiesel
  6. Pen?
  7. Tim Gautreaux bio information?
  8. Picture of a Roman Soldier?
  9. Scratch paper?
  10. Ink pen?
  11. Biography Section?
  12. Books set in Cape Cod?
  13. I know you've got the sequel to this book back there, the other lady told me that two months ago. Can I see it?
  14. Possible side effects? Well, the library seems to cause drowsiness and and increased appetite, or the book by Augusten Burroughs? (Hold placed)
  15. I'm looking for a book called "Three Sisters" about Trotsky, the Russian Revolution, and the name Goldenberg, first name Gregori is in it. Do you have it?
  16. Scratch Paper and Pen?
  17. 616 section?
  18. West with the night by Beryl Markham, is that a Biography or History? (none of the above, it's ... Travel. Thanks for playing, tell her what's she's won just for playing Biography or History)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thurs. July 6

  1. Do you work here? (For the right price)
  2. Maps of Hawaii?
  3. Atlas to check out?
  4. Color of Water by McBride?
  5. Political Science section?
  6. Restroom?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wed. July 5

  1. Books Aaliyah?
  2. Books on Tupac?
  3. Who is the publisher of this book?
  4. World Atlas?
  5. Is there a page near you? (Why? What are you not telling me? Do they bite?)
  6. Do you work here? (Yes, ... but Why??? Oh Yeah! They pay me! Just kidding, I really like my job)
  7. What was iceburg Tookie Williams name? (Stanley "Tookie" Williams, hold the iceberg!)
  8. Books about Emily Dickinson?
  9. Which booth do you check out at?
  10. How many books can you check out?
  11. Jay-z Books?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July Reads

Unshelved, What Would Dewey Do?, and Book Club
by Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
Three volumes of a online cartoon strip called Unshelved a very funny and surprisingly accurate view on Public Library life.

The Vampire in Legend and Fact by Basil Cooper
Little heavy on the Britsh and Scottish.

In Search of Dracula: The History of Dracula and Vampires (Revised edition) by Raymond T. McNally and Radu Florescu
After the Vampire tour in New Orleans I needed a little more information, and this is a even handed accout of some murky history.

Ask Your Angels by Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, and Andrew Ramer
Needed 'light' reading after all the Vampires

Rampart Street (Valentin St. Cyr Mysteries) by David Fulmer
Third in this mystery series. New Orleans, Jass, murder, what more could you ask for?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mon. July 3

I'm Back from New Orleans!

  1. Wi-fi locations?
  2. Restroom?
  3. Slavery (306.362)?
  4. Civil war (973.7)?
  5. Michael Crowder?
  6. CD's?
  7. History of Rap?
  8. The way of a boy : a memoir of Java / Ernest Hillen. (WEE)
  9. Homespun heroines and other women of distinction / compiled and edited by Hallie Q. Brown ; foreword by Josephine Turpin Washington.
  10. 820 section?
  11. 822 section?
  12. African American Women Educators?
  13. Jean Harlow?
  14. Fannie Lou Hamer?
  15. Basilica : the splendor and the scandal--building St. Peter's / R.A. Scotti. (ART, not in yet)
  16. CD's?