Saturday, April 29, 2006

Sat. Apr. 29

  1. Sign in computer?
  2. Restroom?
  3. Book by Bill Bradlee?
  4. Pencil with eraser?
  5. Children's Room?
  6. Is the computer down?
  7. Books on Hitler's finances?
  8. Pencil with eraser?

Friday, April 28, 2006

Fri. Apr. 28

  • Smithsonian lecture on Pompeii
  • Staff day meeting

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thurs. Apr. 27


  1. 260 section?
  2. How do you eject a USB drive?
  3. Vibe Magazine?
  4. Hugo Wolf biography?
  5. Abbey Hoffman book?
  6. Who was Tookie Williams?
  7. What kind of name is Tyron?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Wed. Apr. 26


  • At School without Walls - Presented History-Biography division
  • Staff Talk with JH

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Tues. Apr. 25

  1. Germany Travel Guide?
  2. Belgium Travel Guide?
  3. Did Simon Wiesenthal write a book called murders among us?
  4. Chaucer's England?
  5. FAX machine?
  6. Law Books?
  7. Bill of Rights?
  8. What is half of 2.4 percent of 19,250?
  9. Where is the 'general' collection?
  10. Who is our House of Representative?
  11. France Travel Guide?
  12. Spain Travel Guide?
  13. Belgium Travel Guide?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mon. Apr. 24

  1. New Orleans 1920-1930?
  2. Presidential scandals?
  3. Africa Travel Books?
  4. Marvin Gaye?
  5. Copier help?


  • Visit to Embassy of Uruguay

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sat. Apr. 22


  1. Sign up computer?
  2. Magnifying glass?
  3. Guests of the Kremlin (missing, $300-650 to replace)
  4. How do I use the sign in computer?
  5. Morocco Travel guides?
  6. Copy machine assistance?
  7. How long do I have to wait for the compuer?
  8. Queue station not working?
  9. Last three Washington Posts?
  10. What day does the Personals come out?
  11. Is the copier working?
  12. USB port?
  13. How do I sign up?
  14. Books on CD?
  15. New York Times Bestseller list?
  16. Washington Post Bestseller list?
  17. In Style Magazine?
  18. Washingtonian Magazine?
  19. Do you still carry Futurist Magazine?
  20. DVD's?
  21. Art books on Da Vinci?
  22. Pencil?
  23. Books on Icons?
  24. Are these the only CD's you have?
  25. Where is the book 'ibid' that's listed in this citation?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thurs. Apr. 20

  1. Washington Post?
  2. Fall on your knees by MacDonald (WAH)
  3. Vogue?
  4. Harper bazaar?
  5. Cruising paradise : tales / Shepard, Sam (Pick-Up)
  6. Lost in the city : stories / Jones, Edward P. (missing)
  7. Books by Georgette Heyer?
  8. How do I get a library card?
  9. Yesterday's Washington Post?
  10. Washington Post?
  11. Dress your family in corduroy and denim / Sedaris, David (LIT)
  12. Crusades : the illustrated history 909.07 C957
  13. African Americans : opposing viewpoints
  14. Africanisms in American culture / edited by Joseph E. Holloway

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wed. Apr. 19

Genealogy Fair all day at the National Archives

Excellent, and well run. Loads of information!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Tues. Apr. 18

  1. DNA?
  2. Birth Control?
  3. 1960's?
  4. 1900's?
  5. 1890's?
  6. Walter Camp?
  7. Vince Lombardi?
  8. 1930's?
  9. 1920's?
  10. Coolidge?
  11. Harding?
  12. Baby names for dummies?
  13. What to expect when you're expecting? (SOE)
  14. Pregnancy books?
  15. Michael Jackson?
  16. Where do I put the photocopy card?
  17. Flo Ziegfeld? (Florenz Ziegfeld)
  18. Zieffeld Follies?
  19. Children's restroom?
  20. Government section?
  21. What exhibits are at the National Gallery?
  22. How late are you open?
  23. Team of Rivals?
  24. Can I get a new card?
  25. Is Africa a country?
  26. What is the capital of Canada?
  27. Article on Spain?
  28. Have you ever owned turtles?
  29. Lena Horn?
  30. Sophia Loren?


  • Overdue fine notice training

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tue. Apr. 11

  1. Pencil Sharpener?
  2. Napoleon biography?
  3. Great Depression?
  4. Magnifying glass?


  • Obits
  • National Archives: Navigating the National Archives’ Archival Research Catalog

Strange/ behavior alerts:

  • Man perched on top of map cases. Needed to be there to listen to the Baseball game
  • Eating in the library.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mon. Apr. 10


  1. Abigail Adams (sent CPK)
  2. World War Two (940.5302)
  3. Copier Help?
  4. Will Smith and Ray Charles?
  5. Map of Massachusetts?
  6. Magnifying glass?
  7. Dictionary?

Friday, April 07, 2006

April Reads

The Bachelor Preferred Pastry by Shirley Jump
After Jordan needed something light. Fun, fast, and fabulous.

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon
Don't get too impressed, it's the abridged version (still the sucker is over 1000 pages).

History of Australia by Charles Manning Clark
Now you can be impressed, it's a six volume set, we'll see how it goes (or doesn't)

Fri. Apr. 7

  1. Malta Travel Guide?
  2. Book of CD?
  3. What is the address of the Hilton on Connecticut Ave.?
  4. Stapler?
  5. Restroom?
  6. CD?
  7. Stapler?
  8. magnifying glass?
  9. Today's date?
  10. Travel Books to Delmarva? (Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia)
  11. Two Sam Cooke Bios (pick up)
  12. Can you help me buy a ticket online, using your computer? The other people down the hall did.
  13. Assasha kur?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thurs. Apr. 6


  1. List of the Chancellors of Germany?
  2. Restroom?
  3. Do you work here? (from time to time)
  4. Magnifying glass?
  5. How do you spell "Emoree"?
  6. How do you spell "South Carolina"?
  7. How do you spell "North Carolina"?


  • Obits
  • Fixed Jazz and World displays again (don't make me get the crazy glue gentlemen)
  • Added 2 paperbacks and 1 hardback of Book club book

Strange behavior alerts:

  • Annoying cell guy had a phone (with a camera?) aimed at the reference desk
  • Magnifying glass guy is running back and forth in front of the desk and now staring at the desk and muttering to himself.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wed. Apr. 5


  1. Celebrity Address book?
  2. Cobra 2?
  3. Caribbean Travel Guide?
  4. Can I do 11 X 17 page on the copier?
  5. Does the copier take change?
  6. Magnifying glass?
  7. How would I photocopy this book?
  8. Can someone from Arlington check out a book?
  9. Where do I get a library card?
  10. World events 1915-16?
  11. Maryland/Delaware state road atlas
  12. Greater Washington area bicycle atlas, with maps and descriptions of cycling routes in the mid-Atlantic states from the Pennsylvania Dutch country to southern Virginia.


  • Plan for Schools
  • Spain Bookmark

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tues. Apr. 4

  1. Conflict / Blood Diamonds in Africa?
  2. Pencil sharpener?
  3. Voyage of the damned [by] Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts?
  4. Power Rangers videos?
  5. Cheating death, stealing life : the Eddie Guerrero story?
  6. Memoirs of Aaron Burr, volume 2 (handed off to B the amazing finder of lost books)
  7. James Watt?
  8. How do you check out a book?
  9. Help with photocopying a map?
  10. Iran flag?
  11. Tape?
  12. Scissors?
  13. Tape?
  14. Tape?
  15. Is is Louis the 16th Louis XIV or Louis XVI?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Mon. Apr. 3

  1. Paganism?
  2. Stapler?
  3. Gorbachev Era?
  4. Magnifying glass?
  5. Dorchester county MD map?
  6. Ma Rainey?
  7. Ester Waters?
  8. Mamie Smith?
  9. Women Singers of the Harlem Renaissance?
  10. New Orleans?
  11. William H Burr?
  12. A political and social history of Guyana, 1945-1983 / Thomas J. Spinner, Jr.